Friday, December 17, 2010

will you be my girlfriend?

It was at least an hour long chat. And at the end of it, I don't think he even asked it in such simple words.

The conversation was a mash of a sermon, bible study and interrogation. Ok, I'm exaggerating (but only a little).

I had to display understanding of:
  • Why we should be contented as singles
  • What is the purpose of marriage
  • Why no relationships are flawless
  • How do children fit into the plan
He presented a case of why he thinks we are compatible and justified the question, which was qualified so much I can't repeat it for my life. And I will not be surprised if he can't too.

In this way, he is different, but in a good way. That is why I said yes.

(Great materials on Christian relationships: Four talks on Love, Sex and Marriage by Matthias Media, Joshua Harris' I Kiss Dating Goodbye and Boy Meets Girl, and of course the Bible!)