Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I've grown

...Not fatter, you idiots!

I have grown to know God better. And there are a million and one things I can thank Him for:

1. Keeping and bringing me back to Him after two years of trying to convince myself that I can deal with the consequence of ignoring God who created me

2. My loving family of God at BTPC where the bible is faithfully taught and many exemplary lives are shared

  • Girlies like Pih, Shiuan, Grace, Marianne, Amy and Yifen who keep encouraging me through frequent smses and warm hellos at church
  • Brothers like Ben, Jenn, Justin, Jerry, Richmond, Steve and geeky Ray who shower us with much brotherly love
  • Kengyi (pictured) who has been consistently reading the bible or Christian books with me for over two years and demonstrating with her live what it means to live under God's rule, for God's people.

3. Revealing himself to me through the bible and changing me slowly by the power of His Spirit.

As I read through the Old Testament this year, I learnt how great and sovereign our God is, to be able to fulfill everything He promises. He is such a just God who will punish when it is due, yet he is full of mercy when His people turns back and follows Him.

As I know Him better, I cannot help but fear and love Him. I find myself speaking to Him more, confessing how frequently I ignore or disobey him.

If you are praying for me, pray that I:

  • Will persevere in living under God's rule
  • Remember my need to be saved by Gods grace
  • Respond to what I know about God by aligning my whole live to reflect his godliness
  • Share this good news with all who I love or know, through my words and actions

1 comment:

  1. you have certainly grown from strength to strength. :)
